Napier and Taupo 2012

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[Forrests along the Coast] [Morere Hot Springs] [Mahia Peninsula] [Farmland]

[Railroad Bridge near Wairoa] [Downtown Napier] [Napier Esplanade] [cute Houses]

[Napier Freight Habour] [yes we sell wood] [Birls and Blossoms] [Feeding]

[Waipunga Falls] [Orakai Korako Valley] [Sinter] [Volcanoland meets River]

[boiling Waterpot] [its so colorful] [Golden Fleece] [Geyser out of work]

[boiling Mudpot] [Horizon shows 3 huge Volcanos] [Huka Falls] [lots of Foam]

[silent Huka] [Snow in Sommer!] [New Zealand Bridge Art] [Damm and Gorge]

[low water]

All pictures © Gerhard Ortner

Page Design: Gerhard 2013-02-06 with my own hands & an ascii editor
Last Updated: 2013-02-07