UID: and/or Claim symbol: Duration:
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AEM Ticker Info for Claim: hschmi

Daily stats for claim 'hschmi'

Date Vol Hi Low Avg
1998/02/13 100 18 18 18.00
1998/02/16 10 19 19 19.00
1998/02/21 10 19 19 19.00
1998/02/23 20 19 19 19.00
1998/02/24 90 19 19 19.00
1998/02/27 220 16 17 16.73
1998/03/02 120 18 19 18.58
1998/03/04 100 17 17 17.00
1998/03/05 202 16 19 17.49
1998/03/06 10 16 16 16.00
1998/03/07 89 16 16 16.00
1998/03/08 35 16 16 16.00
1998/03/09 976 16 17 16.61
1998/03/10 101 16 17 16.99
1998/03/11 500 16 16 16.00
1998/03/12 130 15 16 15.77
1998/03/13 31 15 16 15.03
1998/03/14 75 16 16 16.00
1998/03/16 302 16 17 16.67
1998/03/17 200 15 15 15.00
1998/03/18 2331 15 17 15.04
1998/03/19 2500 15 16 15.48
1998/03/20 100 15 15 15.00
1998/03/22 1 15 15 15.00
1998/03/23 40 15 15 15.00
1998/03/25 99 16 16 16.00
1998/03/27 2000 15 16 16.00
1998/03/28 25 15 15 15.00
1998/03/30 975 15 15 15.00
1998/04/02 100 16 16 16.00
1998/04/03 250 14 15 14.40
1998/04/08 2 12 13 12.50
1998/04/11 52 11 11 11.00
1998/04/13 30 11 11 11.00
1998/04/16 1200 10 11 10.60
1998/04/17 1290 11 11 11.00

Trading summary for claim: hschmi
First trade: 1998/02/13
Last trade: 1998/04/17
Total transactions: 81
Total days with trades: 36
Minimum trade price: 10 (1998/04/16)
Maximum trade price: 19 (1998/02/16)
Total shares traded: 14316
Maximum share volume: 2500 (1998/03/19)
Average price: 14.86